The best of both worlds

Patchworks™ is strategic long-term planning model, it works with detailed operational data, and it does both at the same time. These two planning paradigms are together from the start so you don't have to put them together at the end. This keeps your results consistent and saves you time.
Spatial and road modeling objectives are integrated in the core of Patchworks, so it is easy to explore and evaluate long-term spatially compliant plans. Forest stand polygons are the fundamental decision unit and this makes the model incredibly transparent. The results provide the elements of an operational plan, showing where the harvest happens, what silviculture is applied, what roads are used, and how the forest grows, for every polygon and every planning period. The plan is explicit, and the long-term and short-term demonstrably support each other.
The Patchworks user interface is visual and intuitive. The best way to understand the Patchworks advantage is to see it in action. Contact us today to schedule an online demo.

Strategic Vision

  • Patchworks lets you model production targets and landscape level goals over multiple-rotations in order to ensure long-term sustainability.
  • Patchworks solves for multiple simultaneous goals, including spatial targets, using a flexible goal-programming formulation.
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Operational Focus

  • Location is important, and Patchworks has spatial operators that help you include your operational realities within the strategic plan.
  • Include operational planners upfront during the management planning process to ensure viable and cost effective on-the-ground management.
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Efficient Collaboration

  • Strategic and operational planners can work together to refine short-term operations and balance long-term goals, all in one integrated framework.
  • Use the spatially explicit outputs from Patchworks to prove compliance with sustainability goals.
  • Efficiently address certification requirements.
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Patchworks is loaded with features

And they all come included with the base package, so there are no expensive add-ons to purchase. When you are ready to extend your analysis all the tools are at your finger tips.

Flexible Spatial Targets

Implement your spatial pattern policies naturally with our comprehensive suite of spatial objectives. Vary multiple pattern objectives over time and across the landscape to suit your needs.

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Road Network Modeling

Road modeling is built in to the core, not an add-on. Match your operational reality with an economically rational formulation that is intuitive, easy to understand, and easy to visualize.

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Product to Mill Allocation

Optimize the allocation of harvested volumes from stump to mills using the multiple-product to multiple-destination formulation.

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Point-and-Click or Scripting

Start your prototyping with the easy to follow wizards and a point-and-click interface, and move in to reliable, repeatable production with with automatically generated scripts.

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Comprehensive Reports

Distill the wealth of modeling data in to your custom set of reports using your headings and labels. Choose from a rich set of easy to use templates.

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Many Supporting Tools

The Patchworks system provides an ever growing toolkit to prepare models, conduct analysis, and render informative results. Have a look at what is available.

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Choose your deployment style

Every organization is different, and it is important to be able to deploy Patchworks™ in the way that best fits your workflow and budget. Our licensing and activation options make it easy to choose a combination that is right for you.

On the desktop

Use Patchworks on your premises on your own hardware, under your control and close to your data sets.



Enable your software with a hardware key for complete control and no dependency on the internet. Perfect for long-term stable installations and for road warriors.


In the cloud

Use Patchworks on EC2 or Azure to obtain the flexibility and scalability of the cloud.



Enable your software over the internet from our high reliability license server. Networked licenses may be node-locked or floating depending on your requirements.

Choose your licensing style


Perpetual license

Perpetual licenses allows you to "pay once, use forever". This arrangement provides the best value for long-term cost savings. Combine this with a support plan to keep your software up to date with the latest features and enhancements.



Choose a Patchworks subscription to license the software by the month. This option provides the ability to scale your capacity up and down as your needs require.



Want the benefits from spatial modeling but would like someone else to handle the technical details? Let us put you in touch with highly qualified analysts who are able to handle your workload.

Schedule an online demonstration

The best way to quickly understand the Patchworks™ advantage is to participate in a brief online demonstration. The interactive demo can be tailored to suit your interests and takes about one hour. The tour will use the Patchwork™ model to look at a real planning problem, and will present the concepts that makes Patchworks so effective.

Contact us to schedule a convenient time.

Try Patchworks™ out for yourself

Would you like to roll up your sleeves and try Patchworks™ out yourself? Our evaluation program provides the complete modeling software, comprehensive documentation and a sample data set. Work through the sample data set tutorials or build a model using your own data sets.

Contact us to obtain an evaluation license.

Let us build your model

Want to get up and running quickly? Let Spatial Planning System build a model to your specifications and turn the keys over to you. We can rapidly build your custom model so that you don't waste time, and then provide the training that you need to get up to speed.

Contact us to discuss a project.

What Clients Say

Cal Dakin, R.P.F., MBA

Woodlands Manager
Al-Pac Forest Industries
"For the past 18 years Al-Pac has relied on Patchworks for timber supply analysis to meet our stringent ecosystem management planning requirements, the regulatory requirements with the Government of Alberta, and equally important, to reduce our planning and delivered wood costs and supply risks. In addition we have used Patchworks as an essential tool in our role as land stewards to explore landscape scenarios in response to the continual and ongoing shifts in environmental policies. Al-Pac considers the Patchworks planning model second to none in supplying all of our specialized mapping and spatial planning needs."

Dan Rouillard, R.P.F.

Senior Analyst
Forsite Consultants Ltd
"The quintessential 'swiss army knife' of forest management models. Patchworks enables us to provide our clients with comprehensive spatial modeling solutions that facilitate a participatory and interactive planning process that spans the analytical spectrum from strategic to operational planning. Definitely our tool of choice for an ever growing and wide range of analysis and modeling scenarios."

Bob Christian, R.P.F.

Partner and Senior Analyst
"FORCORP has been using Patchworks for two decades on a wide variety of projects for numerous industry, government and NGO clients. Patchworks has proven to be flexible and robust to effectively address the spatial planning problems that are the forefront of forestry and resource management and has helped to give us a competitive edge in our sector. Spatial Planning Systems has been responsive to our needs and has continued to enhance the platform as new challenges arise, thus furthering the versatility of the software."

Latest News

Updates and tips for Patchworks users

Model building

The Simple Forest Model Generator

This note provides a link to the most recent version of the Simple Forest Model Generator, a Microsoft™ Excel spreadsheet that is useful for entering stand dynamics information in to Patchworks. Updated October 16, 2024
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Documentation feedback system

Have you noticed something wrong on a documentation page? Either an unclear concept, something that needs further explanation or even a simple type? Help out to improve the Patchworks documentaiton by providing online feedback. Read more about how easy this is.
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Customizing aspatial netdowns with the TableDesigner

Aspatial netdowns are used when there are landbase reductions that are too small to map, or where a reduction factor is being used instead of doing the mapping. The ForestModel language has the <netdown> element for describing netdowns, but only by a fixed proportion. But what if you require some other calculation. Read this tip on how to customize the amount of reduction on each polygon.
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